Wednesday, March 4, 2009

SGDP Away Day


lame kot rasenya tak update psl diri sdiri in my own blog. Dok buat artikel je kan...itu pun atas request member2 jugak...thanks for all my friends who are very supportive since i started memblogging. huhu...

recently, on 23 February 2009, we had done the Skill Group Dev. Program away day which held at Corus Hotel for the whole day...perrghh...luckily dpt gak kuar dr twin tower tu. Kalau x, away day pun nak wat kat meeting room je...adoi...boley crem otak...uhuhuhu....antara lain that we discussed were enhancement on the material, content, etc for L1,L2 and L3 and also propose newcomers to be part of trainers and resource person team member for tax. Alhamdulillah, first and foremost i would like to thank Allah for HIS bless to me all this while esp this year. I've been cherish with his love and bless to his devotee. Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah! So many positive things happening around me in 2009 eventhough i realize that this year would be very challenging, not only for me, but for all human being as this year we are facing the most worse world economic crisis, war crime esp in Palestine as well as instability of political situation esp in Malaysia. even we in Malaysia is yet to feel the difficulties of the economic crisis, but we are actually in the middle of the crisis already. The most simple example is household and groceries prices. Naik jugak w'pun commodity price drop. But that's the fact of it and we have to get ready from now on.

Ok, back to SGDP away day, as that was the first time i attended such program, i learnt a lot from the discussion and how the trainers, the ccordinators and the ppl involve are brainstorming their ideas in order to come out with the best material for skill group training. That is one of the things that i impress so much in Petronas whereby when u talk bout staff development, there are plenty of opportunities for them to develop and improve their skills in their respective area. That is why Petronas is been recognize as one of the company which spend huge amount on their staff development in order to develop "modal insan" and become expert in their area. This is at the same time will produce lot of experts for local and international operations and benefit country as well. Tak bangga ke anak tempatan jadi famous seantero dunia because of their expertise? Of course i am proud of it!

Even i just be a new comer and only a resource person, but i believe that there are lot of opportunities awaiting in front of me because tax would definitely have lot of areas to improve and enhance in Petronas. Maybe in 1 or 2 years time i'll get an opportunity to become a trainer, who know's right? That is why i become fall in love with Tax! Huhu...probably most of ppl feel that tax is boring because its bind with law. Macam legal la..but i do love fact and history. plus tax every year berubah based on changes of either the countries' regulation, budget release or changes of policy by other countries and that's why you have to be fast learner and always update with the current policy and regulation because it would definitely have tax implication. Maybe that's why tax is not favorable kot.hahaha...but i don't mind, it's hard to find ppl that really show their passion in tax, but i do start to deeply in love with tax and i'll learn from time to time to master it...huhuhu...Insyaallah...Ameen...

Basically, as a conclusion, aku sgt berpuas hati dgn pendedahan sebegini and i'm looking forward to be part of the team members. actually aku dh pun in team because i was assisting as well during last skill group training and i am happy because we got feedback that the theme that we created for the training was interesting. Yeah, credit should be given to my senior, Kak Sheeda for brought in the first idea! Looking forward for more interesting crowd, theme and training as well!!!


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